Objectives & Activities
Warm-up and basic routine for all – choregraph by chief coach
To learn the foundation skills in Wushu
Training of wushu ji beng gong such as leg kicking, hand, flexibility and stamina training -
To expose the students to different weapons in wushu
Miss Ong Teck Lian (OIC) |
Mrs Hans Ow |
Mrs Lim-Koh Kha Tiang |
Area behind library
To promote Wushu as a healthy living sport
To provide a holistic program for all individuals to excel in their given talents.
To nurture young Wushu learners.
To promote Chinese culture through Wushu.
To inculcate values of sportsmanship, integrity, perseverance and determination.
Calm but be alert. Relaxed but ready. Smooth but sharp. Humble, but confident. Wushu is a philosophy of life. It is designed for defense, not offense. It is a way to bring your mind and body into focus. Jet Li